Can you believe I have not flown Emirates before? I realised this last year and thought I need to rectify this and try Emirates business class food. And with the 5th freedom rights allowing Emirates to fly from Sydney to Christchurch just starting up again after covid I thought right, time to book a flight.
So this is how I found myself heading to New Zealand on an A380 to review the Emirate business class food. Now remember the flight from Sydney to Christchurch is a relatively short one (just under 3 hours) and some other airlines on this route offer a very basic business class service. But Emirates I have to say was not bad – the food and service made me feel like I was on a long-haul international flight. Let’s take a look at my breakfast meal service.
Main Meal Service – Sydney, Australia to Christchurch, New Zealand
A relatively early flight from Sydney (~8am flight) meant I was served a breakfast meal. I never really like breakfast meals as I find they are fairly similar across airlines, just small variations to basically the same meals. And taking a look at the menu on takeoff this was no exception – the choices were between an omelette or french toast. I chose the omelette which was described as a mozzarella and basil omelette served with sausages, creamed spinach and tomato ragout. (Check out the main meal service on Emirates in my other blog)
The spinach was really tasty (how could it not be when it was creamy), as were the sausages. I don’t usually like sausages served for breakfast on planes but these beef ones were delicious.

I must admit I don’t like to look of the omelette – almost too perfect and yellow. It had quite a number of very thin egg layers which for me I didn’t really like – something about the texture. But the flavour was ok – a bit too cheesy for me though.
Nutrition Comment
Yogurts served on flights can be hit and miss, but this yogurt was a nice surprise. The ingredients listed on the label indicate there is no added sugar, and the amounts of sugars listed in the nutrition information panel also suggest only the presence of naturally occurring lactose. There is raspberry and blueberry added which will add some sweetness, but these do not seem to be concentrates or have added sugar.

Unfortunately the bread served was a white roll which suggests low fibre. There were also pastries served – a croissant and muffin – again low in fibre. This selection of breads and pastries are not very nutritious.
Sausages are usually high in fat and energy, and not recommended to be eaten regularly. if you would like to eat sausages for breakfast on flights then take a small bite to try them and see whether they are good quality and taste nice. If so then enjoying a small one occasionally is ok, but don’t jut eat them mindlessly because they are on the plate.
Bar area on the A380
Unfortunately I didn’t get to visit the bar area on the A380 during this flight. I was struggling to eat my breakfast meal and juggle my 10 month old who had decided to refuse to sleep on this flight (despite having a bassinet AND the crew offering him a spare business class seat which they put in flat mode). So since it was breakfast time and out of respect to others who might have been enjoying a beverage at the bar, I decided not to venture down.
But you can view the foods at the bar in my review of Emirates first class food – I flew on another Emirates flight and I did check out the bar food on that flight.
Final thoughts on Emirates Business Class Food
This was a really great food offering for a fairly short international flight. I don’t usually look forward to food on breakfast flights but this was better than expected. The hot dish was fairly tasty and good quality food. So is the food enough to make me fly with them again – absolutely it would. And I am very interested to try Emirates business class food on their longer international flights to see what the quality is like.
And if you are flying out of Sydney don’t forget to check out my review of the food in the Emirates Lounge.
NOTE: All pictures of Emirates Business Class food flying are my own and I review the food from the menu I was given and the food I ordered on my flight. There may be different options available at other times.
For more information on my reviews of plane food, don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and Tik Tok. And I always love hearing from you so if you want personalised advice or consultancy services please reach out.